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Isopure Corporation’s water treatment systems are based on thirty years of design with a focus on flawless integration of today’s technology into every piece of equipment that we build.

We began with the reception of our first FDA 510(k) clearance in 1986. This 510(k) clearance was for an innovative primary water purification device, which is still in production today. Since the release of our patented on board cleaning technology, first introduced in 1986, the three step chemical process has proven over the years to be the best technology to clean and disinfect any compatible primary purification system. With future growth based around these accomplishments, we have received multiple 510(k) clearances enabling Isopure’s initial focus to be strictly based in the medical water treatment sector. Throughout the past two decades of medical water treatment development we also have used similar technology to generate an industrial water treatment portion of Isopure Corporation

Our main headquarters and manufacturing facility is located in Louisville, Kentucky. Since Isopure Corporation’s humble beginnings, the company has thrived by hiring trained specialists, enabling the company to guarantee the highest quality 24/7 technical support for all equipment and ensuring all equipment is built and tested to the exceed industry standards. Although the company started in a rural Kentucky community, Isopure is located just minutes from the UPS Worldport; This allows for the rare ability to ship packages as late as midnight to arrive at a facility the next business day to ensure customer satisfaction, as well as a close relationship with Southwest Air Cargo allowing for same day shipments to select locations, based on their flight schedules.

Medical Water Treatment Systems

Isopure Corporation is a leading FDA approved water treatment system manufacturer, with our flagship equipment being utilized in dialysis clinics across the country. Our dedication to maintaining the technological edge in all of our sectors enables us to exceed the needs of customers, and allows for constant and sustaining improvements in all of our products.

Since Isopure’s formal incorporation in 1996, Isopure has dedicated its manufacturing efforts to produce the most advanced FDA registered water filtration systems as well as a growing solution delivery sector dedicated to aiding dialysis clinics in the consistent mixture and distribution of sodium bicarbonate solution. Isopure has since a recirculating acid distribution system used with nearly any form of acidic concentrate tank systems.

Click Video below to learn more about Isopure’s Water Treatment Training facility!

Industrial Water Treatment Systems

Isopure Corporation has also developed a sector dedicated to industrial water treatment systems, utilizing the same technology available to the medical sector. Using these same design tactics and quality systems we have developed a unique industrial water treatment sector with the ability to build custom reverse osmosis systems and ancillary water treatment components for pre-filtration and process post-filtration. With our expansive vendor list, we can generate a custom water treatment systems to fit your needs and have produced systems generating 1 gallon per minute to systems capable of 50+ gallons per minute permeate.

Additionally in the industrial sector, we are a distributor of:

  • Watts Water systems and components, and
  • GE Water Treatment Systems